Covering tunels

Cover plants
to protect and increase growth

A low tunnel is a type of protected space in which it is possible to change vegetation factors (temperature, temperature, humidity and soil).

The main purpose of low tunnels is temporary protection of plants from cold or frost, production of planting material or plant cultivation during the entire vegetation period.

Transparent mulch films disinfect the soil and prevent the growth of weeds by solarization ( burning ) when it used during the summer period. Sometime it is used to encourage early season plant growth and early cropping.

Gerovit mulch foil is manufactured in accordance with SRPS EN 13655 : 2018

Code Color Thickness Width Additives Spool
ML00150710 transparent 15 mic 0,7m UV, anti-dripping 1000m
ML00150810 transparent 15 mic 0,8m UV, anti-dripping 1000m
ML00151010 transparent 15 mic 1,0m UV, anti-dripping 1000m
ML00151210 transparent 15 mic 1,2m UV, anti-dripping 1000m
ML00151410 transparent 15 mic 1,4m UV, anti-dripping 1000m